About Us

KIDY is a small hardworking team based in Klaipeda, Lithuania. The company was founded in 2011 by Katsiaryna Baluk. KIDY is also a family business. With parenting experience, we know that a pregnant woman and a newborn baby need: pure love and pure products.


Since 2011, KIDY has been searching for innovative and original products for children. During this process, many brands became things of the past as they failed to meet the growing demands of young parents. But many brands have stayed with us, as they do not stop developing and improving.

The present

Now KIDY is a progressive and ambitious company that introduces innovative baby products to the world through its store. We are expanding our range more and more, thanks to the continuous search for quality, safe, environmentally friendly, easy-to-use and comfortable items. Choosing each new brand, we try it on ourselves. We check product quality, certificates. And only if we are sure that it will be a great addition to our family, we offer it to you. This gives confidence that you get a really good product.

We believe that every woman can become the best mother in the world. Clothes and accessories for pregnant and breastfeeding moms presented in our shop help women to feel as natural, safe and comfortable as possible during this period.

We want babies to use only natural cosmetics, wear only high-quality clothing, and play with safe toys only. We want babies to use only what is good for themselves, and also does not harm the environment. We care about the future and nature. We want to leave a better planet for our children. We take care of newborn babies. Our simple and natural products will give your baby the most healthy start in life.


KIDY is always looking for opportunities to make the life of young parents easier. We always ask ourselves: what else can we do? In our store, we try to collect a full range of products that a woman may need from the moment of pregnancy and up to 4 years of age of her baby. We always ask ourselves: what are we missing? At the same time, we want our products to live up to our core values: convenience, ease of use, quality and sustainability. For this we do our best.

Our goal is to bring comfort and joy to both parents and kids.