Clothes for babies up to 1 year

(68, 74, 80 cm)

181647 Winter overall Marte Dark Choco
74 | 80 | 86 | 92 | 98
103.95 €129.95
169251 Winter overall Marte Navy
74 | 80 | 86 | 92 | 98
95.95 €119.99
extra warm insulated
170235 Baby Czerwony W23 footed snowsuit

Clothes for babies and little children. The best for beloved ones

All parents want to give only the best to their children, in all spheres of life. Loving mommy’s hands are first to welcome a baby in a new world. And each mommy dreams about baby’s clothes to be as soft and caring as her hands. That is why clothes for little children should be chosen thoroughly as they should meet all safety requirements. Our online shop offers wide range of models from the best manufacturers. We guarantee high quality and safety of all the items represented in our catalogue. We also have prepared for you the important information to have in your mind when choosing baby clothes online for your little ones.

Little child’s wardrobe. Main rules

Up to 6 month your baby was not moving too much and she did not require much clothes. But with start of feeding everything changes immediately! Moreover, your baby becomes more and more active each day! Thus, quantity, cut and quality of clothes also changes.

So, what you should pay attention to when choosing clothes for your baby?

  1. Safety. It is the main rule for clothes of babies and children of all ages.
  2. Natural materials. Your baby’s skin should be able to breathe.
  3. Good or none coloring agents. The fabric should not cause any irritation or allergy reaction.
  4. Ergonomic cut. As a baby starting from 6 months every day learns new things it is very important that clothes do not prevent the freedom of movement and do not press on tummy or arms and legs.
  5. Snaps and fasteners. Please, be sure that they are safe, both in materials and form.

At this age quality of necessary clothes grows really fast in accordance with previous period of life.

You will definitely need:

  • T-shirts, jackets and cute bodysuits for baby. Please, be sure that there are fasteners in shoulders area. The children of such age do not like to change clothes and such fasteners will make the process more comfortable. The length of the sleeve will mainly depend on the season.
  • Sleep and play onesies. It is also better to choose ones with shoulders fasteners.
  • Tights, pants and socks will be surely needed in all seasons.
  • Hats, sweaters and jackets or warm suits should be chosen in accordance with the season.

How to buy clothes for little children with maximum profit?

Nowadays lots of different online and offline shops offer children’s clothes. But unfortunately, the prices may be really high especially in offline shops. Our shop is notable for reasonable prices. We work directly with the manufacturers and can provide you with the best offers. We are always glad to help our customers with choice answering all their questions. You will definitely appreciate our comfortable payment terms and worldwide delivery.